If you're like me, the question of how to learn astrology became the only thing I focused on for years. I dove deep into researching, reading, and jotting down my astrological findings based on my birth chart. It was that process of discovering birth charts were a thing that jumpstarted my desire to teach and guide others. This eventually led me to enroll in a year-long program with the Portland School of Astrology (which is now, unfortunately, no longer running 😢).

Learning and answering the core question of what is astrology, became my obsession, and remains my core passion in life.

Pursuing astrological teachings is an ancient practice, with individuals tracking planetary movements worldwide. This practice has only grown with time and will continue to grow as a major movement for astrological wisdom takes off in the coming years. Just look at the 1000s of TikToks, Youtubers, and Instagrammers feeding you the latest transit news.

My question and challenge for you is, why not learn astrology basics yourself? Empower yourself with this wisdom, and become your celestial-informed life coach and guide.

Here are the resources you need, from old-school learning methods to today's modern world of videos and apps.

1. Explore Astrology Books and Literature

a stack of astrology books for learning

Books are my favorite method of learning almost anything I'm curious about. I even listed my favorite astrology books for your spiritual growth to help get you started.

Here are a few books to consider based on your experience level:

  • Beginner Books: Start with introductory books like “Astrology: A Cosmic Science” by Isabel Hickey or “Astrology for the Soul” by Jan Spiller.
  • Intermediate Books: Move on to more detailed texts like “Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner” by Andrea Gehrz or “The Inner Sky” by Steven Forrest.
  • Advanced Books: Explore deeper works such as “The Twelve Houses” by Howard Sasportas or “Planets in Transit” by Robert Hand.

2. Astrology Workbooks and Study Guides

a birth chart workbook example with an open page for astrology notes

As you will soon see, learning a new subject can be multifaceted and multi-layered. You can use many types of resources to help you learn the basics of astrology, from print to video, to apps.

To solidify my grasp of information, I find the tactile process of writing and engaging the pen-to-paper method through workbooks and study guides to be the most effective technique for cementing knowledge into my memory.

Use my birth chart workbook to get your learning journey started now. 👇

promotional image for self discovery workbook

Grab this Freebie Today, and Start Your
Self-Discovery Journey with Astrology

3. How To Learn Astrology Blogs and Websites

a computer browser showing a how to learn astrology blog

Astrology blogs and personal astrologer websites are another great way to find a teacher and guide for your astrological journey.

For those seeking astrological knowledge, I invite you to delve into my blog posts, which serve as educational resources. Additionally, you'll find guidance on harnessing the power of moon phases for manifestation practices and exploring the profound connection between crystals and the healing arts.

Helpful Learning Astrology Blog Posts:

And if you're seeking guidance for manifesting 💲 with tarot, check out my friend Sadie's blog post on a quick money manifestation tarot spread.

4. Online Courses and Tutorials

a computer screen showing online courses wording

Once online video entered the culture scene, anything related to learning was transformed. Now you can find almost any subject on YouTube, and even more teaching materials on private websites and public teaching platforms.

If you would like to explore the fundamentals of astrology, you can start with the larger video teaching platforms, or find an online astrology school like Kepler College.

  • Udemy and Coursera: Both of these platforms offer courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels.
  • Astrology Schools: Organizations like the Astrology University or Kepler College provide structured programs for every astrological subject and level you can imagine.
Promotion for free zodiac study cards.

Grab this Freebie Today, and Start
Learning The Basics of Astrology

5. Astrology Software and Apps

a screenshot of an online astrology software website

Another tool in my celestial toolbox is astrology software and mobile device apps. I like to use apps and software, like Astro.com, to generate reports and view a natal chart. For deep analysis and interpretation, I stick to what I have learned through the years and reference key astrological texts (Ptolemy, or Valens for example) as needed.

With the introduction of AI, astrology apps have become a bit more personalized, but for the most part, the apps lack a comprehensive view of your personal experience. However, some apps are sophisticated enough to offer advice and suggestions for navigating your daily life.

The challenge with using apps to learn astrology is that they're not meant to be used for learning, but instead for predicting. If you're seeking more of a teaching app or software, pick one that shows you the mechanics, instead of hiding the astrological technical data.

Get comfortable with looking at astrological glyphs and the raw data of a birth chart.

  • Apps: Use apps like TimePassages, Co-Star, or Astro Gold for personalized charts and daily insights.
  • Software: Programs like Solar Fire or AstroGraph provide detailed chart calculations and interpretations. These types of programs tend to be geared towards advanced astrologers.

6. YouTube Channels and Podcasts

a photograph of online learning icons for astrology knowledge

Everyone's favorite online teacher resides in the world of YouTube. At this point in my life, YouTube also plays a key role in providing me with a diverse and talented pool of teachers and mentors. I look to YouTube for astrology wisdom, as well as, consciousness, health, and business, to name a few.

There's a teacher for all of us out there. Some will come via a book, others via podcasts and videos. Go with what feels natural to you; here are a few astrologers to consider for learning astrology:

  • Channels: Look for channels like The Astrology Podcast by Chris Brennan, Adam Elenbaas, or Steve Judd.
  • Podcasts: Listen to “Ghost of a Podcast”, “Natural Time” (for Mayan Astrology), or “StarLady” (for Evolutionary Astrology).

7. Astrological Communities and Forums

a person's hands typing on a laptop with many avatars floating around

Online forums and communities can be hit or miss. There are a ton of misinformed, poorly executed memes, and general projections in the astrological community and forum world.

If your goal is to learn, be mindful of what you take in, before regurgitating it to others. Developing a solid foundation of the fundamentals doesn't happen overnight, and will never be thorough without first engaging your birth chart. So, first, start there, and then find your online peeps:

  • On sites like my private Facebook Group, Astrodienst, Reddit’s r/astrology, and Astrology Weekly Forum.

You're invited! Let's continue the conversation…

Quest Mystic Facebook group promotion for group astrology learning.

8. Workshops and Conferences

a room filled with astrology students listening to a workshop

Engaging with fellow beginners while embarking on the study of astrology is a profoundly enriching experience. The exchange of perspectives and the collective exploration of new concepts foster an environment conducive to deep learning and the cross-pollination of insights.

If your budget and community setup allows it, seek out opportunities to meet others in person:

  • Local Classes: Check for workshops at local metaphysical stores or community centers.
  • Conferences: Attend events like the United Astrology Conference (UAC) or NORWAC (Northwest Astrological Conference).

9. Study Groups and Mentorship

two people meeting for their astrology study group

Akin to online communities, study groups, and mentors can profoundly enrich one's journey of astrological exploration. However, when seeking others to study and learn alongside, it is crucial to cultivate a deep understanding of your unique needs and learning style.

Not all groups are created equal, nor are all communities and individuals inherently helpful. The key lies in patiently discovering the voices and perspectives that truly resonate with your own, a process that demands both time and discernment.

For the path of astrological wisdom is a highly individualized one, and aligning yourself with the right companions can elevate your experience immeasurably.

  • Study Groups: Form or join local or online study groups to discuss and learn together.
  • Mentorship: Seek out a mentor who is an experienced astrologer for guidance and deeper understanding.

10. Practice and Personal Study

a person studying their natal chart

I've emphasized this point many times before, and I'll say it again – truly know your birth chart. By the end of your astrological studies, you should intimately understand the positions of your planets, the angles in your chart, and what the different placements and aspects mean for you.

Know your birth chart like the back of your hand. Having this deep, personal familiarity will provide optimal insights and the ability to use astrology to navigate your life path.

Keep expanding your knowledge by practicing with other charts and maintaining an ongoing astrology journal. Cover things that help you look at astrology from multiple angles:

  • Explore Other Charts To Learn Astrology: Practice by analyzing the birth charts of friends, family, or public figures.
  • Start An Astrology Journaling Practice: Keep an astrology journal to track transits, personal observations, and insights.
  • Manifest With The Planets & Your Transits: Using the active planetary energies around you is an easy way to both learn astrology and manifest your goals. Add astrological timing to your journaling practice, and poof! You get manifesting with astrology journaling.

11. Astrological Organizations

a screenshot of the american federation of astrologers homepage

Let's say you have become an avid astrology enthusiast and want an official certificate and membership in an astrology organization. There are several international and national astrological organizations you can join and participate in.

These organizations offer opportunities like workshops to further your learning, conferences to exchange ideas with others, and publications to stay updated on the latest in astrology. Membership allows you to be part of a community dedicated to the study of the celestial mysteries.

Here are a few to explore:

  • Memberships: Join organizations like the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), National Council for Geocosmic Research, Inc., (NCGR), or the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) for resources and networking.

12. Astrological Tools

a screenshot of january 2024 ephemeris

Lastly, when manually casting natal charts, you need an ephemeris and blank charts to properly record and map out the natal chart placements. This is for those doing the work by hand, rather than relying on software to generate the chart.

An ephemeris is an essential astrological almanac that provides precise positions and movements of celestial bodies over a given timeframe. Most astrology software won't show you this raw data directly, as it uses the ephemeris data behind the scenes to calculate and display the charts.

If you don't want to purchase an ephemeris book, you can generate a free ephemeris online at Astro.com. This allows you to access the key planetary position data needed to manually cast charts.

While modern apps make chart calculation very convenient, having an ephemeris and blank charts enables you to go through the traditional hands-on process of mapping out natal placements yourself.

And that's it! That's 12 methods to start your astrology studies. Join us in our private Facebook group for more guidance and engaging with others on the same path.

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